["A1S01021": "Emmanuel Ringelblum in Geneva", "A1S02011": "Siege of Warsaw", "A1S05021": "Exodus to Warsaw", "A1S05071": "Zivia Lubetkin returns to Warsaw", "A1S06011": "Harassment in Warsaw", "A2S01011": "Ghetto's creation is announced", "A2S03011": "Contacts with the outside", "A2S03041": "The overpass", "A2S03061": "Death penalty for anyone leaving the Ghetto", "A3S10031": "The Ghetto is blocked off", "A3S10041": "Song of the Murdered Jewish People", "A4S06011": "JFO contacts with the outside", "A5S04071": "Adina Szwajger sees the Ghetto burning", "A6S01011": "A concentration camp in Warsaw", "A7S01011": "Warsaw Insurrection", "A7S01021": "A Jewish fighting unit", "A7S01041": "The Insurrection is crushed", "A7S02011": "The Soviet Army liberates Poland", "A7S05021": "Shoah: the final analysis", "EO27": "Sewers", "Cb05": "Activists return to Warsaw", "Ch8": "Deportations from Warsaw", "Cv1": "Warsaw", "Cv3": "The Jewish quarter in Warsaw"]